Berlin 2022

Built with

  1. UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Installation at the Spanish Embassy Berlin 2015

    UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Installation at the Spanish Embassy Berlin 2015

    UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Installation at the Spanish Embassy Berlin 2015 

    UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Installation at the Spanish Embassy Berlin 2015 

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Installation at the Spanish Embassy Berlin 2015

    UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Installation at the Spanish Embassy Berlin 2015

    UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Installation at the Spanish Embassy Berlin 2015 

    UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Installation at the Spanish Embassy Berlin 2015 

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

    COLORING THE STREETS - Dreiecke installation in Karl-Marx-Str.

    COLORING THE STREETS - Dreiecke installation in Karl-Marx-Str.

    COLORING THE STREETS - Dreiecke installation in Karl-Marx-Str.

    COLORING THE STREETS - Dreiecke installation in Karl-Marx-Str.

    Interactive Christmas for H2MK

    Interactive Christmas for H2MK

    Interactive Christmas for H2MK

    Interactive Christmas for H2MK

    Interactive Christmas for H2MK

    Interactive Christmas for H2MK

    FABRIK - Dreiecke Video Installation - Kindl Brauerei

    FABRIK - Dreiecke Video Installation - Kindl Brauerei

    Interactive Christmas Project 'Zoo It Yourself' - H2MK -

    Interactive Christmas Project 'Zoo It Yourself' - H2MK -

    BORDERS - Dreiecke Video-installation @ Tacheles

    BORDERS - Dreiecke Video-installation @ Tacheles

    A HOUSE WITH A VIEW - Dreiecke Installation 48h NK

    A HOUSE WITH A VIEW - Dreiecke Installation 48h NK

    Berlin calendar 2010 - Dreiecke photos

    Berlin calendar 2010 - Dreiecke photos

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      UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Installation at the Spanish Embassy Berlin 2015

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      UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Installation at the Spanish Embassy Berlin 2015 

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      H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

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      H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

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      H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

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      H2MK Video-installation - Dreiecke

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      COLORING THE STREETS - Dreiecke installation in Karl-Marx-Str.

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      COLORING THE STREETS - Dreiecke installation in Karl-Marx-Str.

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      Interactive Christmas for H2MK

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      Interactive Christmas for H2MK

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      Interactive Christmas for H2MK

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      FABRIK - Dreiecke Video Installation - Kindl Brauerei

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      Interactive Christmas Project 'Zoo It Yourself' - H2MK -

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      BORDERS - Dreiecke Video-installation @ Tacheles

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      A HOUSE WITH A VIEW - Dreiecke Installation 48h NK

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      Berlin calendar 2010 - Dreiecke photos

    Some of the projects & installations made between 2008 and 2015 with the art colective DREIECKE -